Our Choir

19 Jun '16 - Concert St John's

(from Ian Hurrell)

I add my voice to all the positive comments that have been shared following Sunday's concert. It is days like this that make us all realise how great it is to be part of such a team. And what a privilege to hear the soloists and quartet embellishing the whole experience with such bravado and talent.

A retired St John's minister confided that he"didn't realise Jodie had such a great voice", having never heard her sing solo. Wendy took her rehearsal efforts from the previous day to another level with her brilliant Vivaldi solos - and how good was her "O Frondens Virga" with lovely harmonic monotone backing or drone.

Bek was amazing - she just gets better, even though whilst under some invisible duress. Time Sweetened Honeywere typically on song - and I said to Roger that his lower register notes in "Regina Coeli" were just wonderful; like an orchestral double bass. Perhaps Roger you should always sing with a cold!!

Upon further reflection however, I have to say that for all this to happen and to give us this satisfying "after-glow" feeling, it takes an exceptional Leader to both select beautiful music and then to support the challenge that that presents to Voices in the Wilderness. Well after this, dare I say that we are prepared to give anything a go! Thank you Jodie, and thank you also for introducing us to Hew and Tully - let's hope that somehow we can all be reacquainted in the future.


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