Our Choir

1 Dec '13 - The People's Messiah

St John's in the Wilderness

Halifax Street, Adelaide
Sunday 1st December 2013

Choirs: Corinthian Singers, Voices in the Wilderness

Please note that we do not have permission to share the choir music publicly, so download for your own enjoyment, but please do not publicise the accessibility of this music. 



1. Sinfonie

2. Comfort Ye My People.mp3

Ian Hurrell

3. Ev'ry Valley Shall be Exalted.mp3

Ian Hurrell

4. And the Glory of the Lord.mp3

Corinthian Singers

5. Thus Saith the Lord.mp3

Emlyn O'Regan

6. But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming.mp3

Jodie O'Regan

7. And He Shall Purify.mp3

Corinthian Singers

8. Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive.mp3

9. O Thou that Tellest Good Things to Zion.mp3

Jodie O'Regan

12. For Unto us a Child is Born.mp3

Corinthian Singers

13. Pastoral Symphony.mp3

14a. There were Shepherds Abiding in the Field -

14b. And Lo, the Angel of the Lord Came Among Them

15. And the Angel Said Unto Them.mp3

16. And Suddenly There Was with the Angel mp3

17. Glory to God.mp3

Corinthian Singers

18. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion.mp3

19. Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind.mp3

20. He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd.mp3

21. His Yoke is Easy.mp3

Corinthian Singers

33. Lift upYour Heads, O ye Gates.mp3

Corinthian Singers

37. The Lord Gave the Word.mp3

Corinthian Singers

38. How Beautiful are the Feet.mp3

Rebecca Nelson

39. Their Sound is Gone Out.mp3

41. Let Us Break their Bonds Asunder.mp3

Corinthian Singers

44. Hallelujah.mp3

Corinthian Singers & Voices in the Wilderness

45. I Know that My Redeemer Liveth.mp3

46. Since by Man Came Death.mp3

Corinthian Singers

47. Behold, I tell you a Mystery.mp3

48. The Trumpet shall Sound.mp3

Emlyn O'Regan

50. O Death Where is Thy Sting.mp3

53. Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain.mp3

Corinthian Singers & Voices in the Wilderness

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