Our Choir

23 Aug '15 - Concert at St John's

Mid year Concert at St John's (From Diane Griffin)

This concert was my first singing exposure with Voices in the Wilderness and, like the audience, I was thrilled and exalted to hear the other groups of singers that participated on the day. Wendy and Kerry sang a wonderfully lyrical duet and then Time Sweetened Honey performed a lively bracket of songs. Later in the programme, Ian and the Young O'Regans sang with a power and emotion that captivated the audience. Overall I gained a true appreciation of the depth of musical knowledge and experience within the group of singers that makes up Voices in the Wilderness.

Of course, the Voices singers themselves gave a wonderful concert of varied musical styles, which demonstrated our versatility, with Jodie's enthusiastic encouragement and direction. As for me, I felt excited and uplifted by the experience of sharing the event with the Voices singers and look forward to many more such occasions - Diane Griffin.'

The Programme

Voices in the Wilderness

I Sing - with Andy on guitar

Banks and Braes - with Damien on Piano

Linden Lea - a cappella


Voices in the Wilderness

O Magnum Mysterium - with Jodie on piano

Dirait On - with Damien on piano



Wendy and Kerry Duet

Evening Prayer - with Damien on Piano



Ian and the Young O’Regans

Tradiderunt - acappella

Dona Nobis Pacem - a cappella

Bless This House - Ian and Damien on piano

Voices in the Wilderness

Caligaverunt - acappella

Weep O Mine Eyes - a cappella



Voices in the Wilderness

Cantique - with Damien

Silver Swan - a cappella

Parting Glass - a cappella


Time Sweetened Honey

Sweet and seasoned acapella selection




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